updates after September option expiration

Some of our trades have been unwound last week, either as they have reached their targets like our Burberry (BRBY LN) short at 1960, or have been settled in the option & futures expiration on Friday for the following trades:
-long call 7400 on the nasdaq for 10% and short NQU8 for 7% at 7599.98
-worthless expiration of a BIDU call spread
-worthless expiration of a call on Brazil (EWZ US 09/21/18 C39 Equity)
-worthless expiration of a call on DAl (DAX 09/21/18 C13000 Index)

Thus, our net exposure is slightly down to 21% (see trades recap). Last week has been specifically profitable thanks to the rebound of value, Smart sentiment driven factors associated with higher rates and trade wars sentiment stabilization (more on that here and here).

Our various tableau(s) are up-to-date and you can find them here, here or here (these are my favourites) to identify the best stocks according to our quant grades.