Take profit on Short ESZ8 below 2716

The US smart/dumb money indicator is giving a rare buy signal. There is currently nearly a double bottom on ESZ8 at 2710. We close one of our shorts at this level. If 2700 is broken, we…

Take profit on 1288HK to reduce our EM allocation

  1288 HK's EPS grade is down to a bearish level (37), while the share price has rebounded below the 200 days MA. Our matrix stays short EM and accordingly we trim our exposure of long…

Take profit on our short on US Utilities

US Utilities have under-performed by 7% since the date of our short on the 06 September. 10 Year US rates are up and are just below 3.1% before the FOMC. The XLU is now overbought in…

short HAS US

  The bilateral agreement reached with Mexico last month calmed fears that the US was engaging in a “war on trade” as it showed a willingness to compromise to preserve NAFTA. (see details in our Trade…

Buy gamma on Nasdaq100 with a 2% net delta short

Buy call 7400 for 10% notional + sell NQU8 for 7% of NAV Implied volatility on the Nasdaq (see figure below white line) is back to its low range: We close it 2 vega above at…

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